[1] Austrian Academy of Sciences,Space Research Institute
[2] Tokyo Institute of Technology,Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas
[3] Space Science Institute,LASP
[4] St. Petersburg State University,Applied Physics Laboratory
[5] CNRS/Ecole polytechnique/UPMC Univ Paris 06/Univ. Paris-Sud/Observatoire de Paris,Department of Physics
[6] University of California,Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
[7] University of Colorado,Space Sciences Department
[8] Southwest Research Institute,undefined
[9] NASA,undefined
[10] GSFC,undefined
[11] Swedish Institute of Space Physics,undefined
[12] Royal Institute of Technology,undefined
[13] Johns Hopkins University,undefined
[14] NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center,undefined
[15] Imperial College London,undefined
[16] University of Michigan,undefined
[17] Aerospace Corporation,undefined