We examine and discuss the state of political science in Ireland, using a new dataset on articles published in major domestic, European, and international academic journals by authors affiliated with Irish institutions during the period 1999–2014. Our main findings are as follows: political scientists in Ireland have generally focused more on comparative politics and international relations than on methodology, political theory, or public policy. In terms of methods and authorship, however, there are some notable differences between articles published in domestic, European, and international journals. Qualitative analysis and single case studies have been more commonly employed in national-level publications, while inferential quantitative analysis and large-N data have been more widely used in international-level articles. Gender balance in authorship is now more the norm in national journals than in European and international journals. Finally, Irish political science has undergone significant changes during the period examined. There have been increases in co-authoring and the use of inferential quantitative methods and large-N data which are typically associated with the approaches taken in the major international journals of political science. In this regard, Irish political science has become more ‘globalised’.