We investigate how a firm's financial performance (as measured by stock returns) is influenced when celebrity endorsers become involved in undesirable events, i.e., events that have a deleterious effect on the spokespersons. We find that the stock market reaction to these events is negatively related to spokesperson blameworthiness. The lower (higher) the culpability, the higher (lower) the stock return. Interestingly, it is only those firms associated with spokespersons having high culpability that tend to experience losses in stock market value. In contrast, we find that events rated at or below the mean level of blameworthiness are associated with positive stock market returns.
Metropolitan Museum Art, Sherman Fairchild Ctr Objects Conservat, New York, NY 10028 USAMetropolitan Museum Art, Sherman Fairchild Ctr Objects Conservat, New York, NY 10028 USA