Background: Assessment of suitable lands for irrigation is indispensable to plan and implement different programs in a cost-effective approach for sustainable land use planning and efficient utilization of the land. Hence selecting proper land use based on land suitability evaluation will enhance the productivity per unit area and ensures the sustainable use of land resources. Therefore, the research was designed to evaluate the suitability of the soil properties of Zamra irrigation scheme for irrigation purposes. Method: For this study about 195.16 ha of land were evaluated for irrigation suitablity. Four soil profile pits were opened in the representative site of the scheme based on slope, texture, soil color and soil depth. Soil samples were collected from the soil mapping units for analysis of texture, electrical conductivity, and calcium carbonate content, whereas slope, drainage and soil depth were directly measured at the field. The evaluation was carried out using a parametric evaluation method. Results: The results of the study revealed that four types of soils were identified namely, Rehodic Nitisol(eutric), Haplic Regosol (eutric) Eutric Regosol, Leptic Regosol (eutric, loamic), and Vertic Cambisol (Hypereutric). The soil texture consists of sandy loam and sandy clay loam at the surface and subsurface soil and the soil depth of study area varied from shallow to very deep. The soil of the scheme was free from salinity and the status of calcium carbonate was at a low level. The slope of the study area was ranged from flat (0–3%) to slopping (8–15%). Generally, 80.64 ha (41.32%) of the scheme was moderately suitable whereas 71.68 ha (36.73%) of the land was marginally suitable for irrigation. Due to major limiting factors of soil depth and slope about 42.84 ha of the land (21.95%) were not currently suitable for irrigation. Conclusion: In the study area, the major limitations were slope and soil depth. Therefore, to increase production and productivity of the scheme, land improvement operations are suggested. © The Author(s) 2020.