Bioretention is one of the most popular technical practices for urban runoff pollution control. However, the efficiency of nutrient removal from urban stormwater runoff by bioretention systems varies significantly. To improve the nutrient removal performance, innovative up-flow and mixed-flow bioretention systems were proposed in this study, and a laboratory study was conducted to investigate the runoff retention and nutrient removal performance. During the leaching experiment using tap water as the inflow, turbidity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) leaching phenomenon was obvious. COD and TN leaching controls were obviously improved when the up-flow and mixed-flow bioretention systems were adopted comparing with the conventional bioretention. During the semi-synthetic runoff experiments, after the leaching experiments’ performance (accumulated 2.78 times of empty bed volume), there were no significant differences in COD mass removal efficiencies of conventional and up-flow bioretention processes (p > 0.05); however, the COD mass removal efficiencies of the mixed-flow bioretention processes increased by 10% when compared with conventional bioretention. The TN mass removal efficiencies of the up-flow and mixed-flow bioretention increased obviously from 17% ± 13% (conventional) to 41% ± 23% (up-flow) and 31% ± 16% (mixed-flow). However, there were no significant differences in TP mass removal or runoff reduction among the three bioretention columns (p > 0.05). Both up-flow and mixed-flow bioretention can effectively improve TN mass removal, and the mixed-flow bioretention did not show a better TN removal performance than the up-flow bioretention because these two bioretention had almost the same volume of the saturated zone. Overall, the results indicate the mixed-flow bioretention proposed in this study can effectively improve TN mass removal and slightly improve COD mass removal relative to conventional methods via increases in hydraulic retention time and in-flow paths, respectively.