With the upsurge of crossbreeding in India, the admixture levels are highly unpredictable in the composite breeds. Hence, in the present study, 72 Vrindavani animals were assessed for the level of admixture from their known ancestors that are Holstein–Friesian, Jersey, Brown Swiss, and Hariana, through three different software, namely, STRUCTURE, ADMIXTURE, and frappe. The genotype data for ancestral breeds were obtained from a public repository, i.e., DRYAD. The Frieswal crossbred cattle along with ancestral breeds like Holstein–Friesian and Sahiwal were also investigated for the level of admixture with the help of the above-mentioned software. The Frieswal population was found to comprise an average of 62.49, 61.12, and 61.21% of Holstein–Friesian and 37.50, 38.88, and 38.80% of Sahiwal estimated through STRUCTURE, ADMIXTURE, and frappe, respectively. The Vrindavani population was found to consist of on average 39.5, 42.4, and 42.3% of Holstein–Friesian; 22.9, 22.3, and 21.7% of Jersey; 10.7, 10.6, and 11.9% of Brown Swiss; and 26.9, 24.7, and 24.1% of Hariana blood estimated through STRUCTURE, ADMIXTURE, and frappe, respectively. A greater degree of variation was noted in the results from STRUCTURE vs. frappe, STRUCTURE vs. ADMIXTURE than in ADMIXTURE vs. frappe. From this study, we conclude that the admixture analysis based on a single software should be validated through the use of many different approaches for better prediction of admixture levels.