Clean, affordable, and efficient energy sources are inevitable for a sustainable world. Energy crisis, especially the poor access and affordability, demand–supply mismatches, energy inequality, and high dependence on non-renewable energy sources, are the challenges before the attainment of clean energy goals for sustainable development. The 5-year review from the adoption of sustainable development goals (SDGs) by using bibliometric and thematic analysis was conducted in this review. This review is a synthesis of 175 scientific papers on SDG 7. Policy reforms and better funding; technology innovation and inclusion; and economic growth, rapid promotion of renewable, and alternative fuels are the recommendations for the achievement of the energy goals. Future research on energy-related goals should focus on energy justice, policy reforms, energy poverty, poor affordability, off-grid transmissions, renewable energy sources, alternative fuels, reforms in the energy supply chain, and international cooperation for better implementation of projects and for attracting foreign capital and private funds. This paper invites the attention of practitioners, academicians, funding agencies, and international agencies to collaborate in the initiatives for a clean, green, and energized world.