The International Journal of Biometeorology (IJB) has continuously evolved since its first publications in 1957. In this paper, we examine these changes using a database that includes all manuscript titles and author information. A brief history considers the development of the journal and shifts over time. With an interdisciplinary focus, publications draw on a wide array of subdisciplines. Using content analysis, we evaluate the themes found within IJB. Some research themes have maintained prominence throughout the journal’s history, while other themes have waxed or waned over time. Similarly, the most influential manuscripts throughout the past 60 years reveal that human biometeorological papers, particularly regarding thermal comfort, have been influential throughout the journal’s history, with other themes, including phenology and animal biometeorology, more concentrated in specific periods. Dominated by North America and Europe in the early years, publication authorship has shifted over the last decade to be more globally representative. Recent inclusion of special issues devoted to regional biometeorological issues, as well as to Students and New Professionals, offer insight into the future direction of the IJB.