The present study has been carried out to analyse and interpret the morphological changes and channel shifting along the Fulahar river in the Malda district. Fulahar river is one of the most hazardous river zones in the Malda district. The river meets the Ganga river near Manikchak Block and shifts towards the western part of the Malda district. The total length of the river is about 60 km. The study has considered the different parameters like Braiding Index, Sinuosity Index, Channel Index, Valley Index, Hydraulic Sinuosity Index, Topographic Sinuosity Index, Island areas, and river width of the Fulahar river. To detect the river course were used 45 years satellite images for the year of 1973, 1980, 1990, 2001, 2010 and 2018 from Landsat data of USGS. The study is generally based on remote sensing and Geographic Information System methods to elucidate the changes of the river channel and resulting hazard zones of the Malda district. Channel shifting and flooding are the main source of the river bank failure of the Malda district. For the completion of this study, 17 cross-sections were made for calculating the shifting of the total reach of the river from Mihaghat in Harischandrapur II to Paschim Narayanpur in Manikchak C.D. Block of Malda district. Due to the shift of the Fulahar river course, the people of Harischandrapur II, Ratua I, and Manikchak C.D. Block are faced with problems and displaced year by year. The study may help for future management of the area to reduce bank erosion and land loss.