共 6 条
Determinants of the access to remote specialised services provided by national sarcoma reference centres
Yohan Fayet
Raphaël Tétreau
Charles Honoré
Louis-Romée Le Nail
Cécile Dalban
François Gouin
Sylvain Causeret
Sophie Piperno-Neumann
Simone Mathoulin-Pelissier
Marie Karanian
Antoine Italiano
Loïc Chaigneau
Justine Gantzer
François Bertucci
Mickael Ropars
Esma Saada-Bouzid
Abel Cordoba
Jean-Christophe Ruzic
Sharmini Varatharajah
Françoise Ducimetière
Sylvie Chabaud
Pascale Dubray-Longeras
Fabrice Fiorenza
Sixtine De Percin
Céleste Lebbé
Pauline Soibinet
Paul Michelin
Maria Rios
Fadila Farsi
Nicolas Penel
Emmanuelle Bompas
Florence Duffaud
Christine Chevreau
Axel Le Cesne
Jean-Yves Blay
François Le Loarer
Isabelle Ray-Coquard
[1] Centre Léon Bérard,Equipe EMS – Département de Sciences Humaines et Sociales
[2] Université Saint-Étienne,Univ Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
[3] Institut du Cancer,Medical Imaging Center
[4] Institut Gustave Roussy,Department of Surgical Oncology
[5] CHU de Tours,Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
[6] Faculte de médecine,Department of Surgery
[7] Université de Tours,Department of Surgery
[8] Department of Clinical Research and Innovation,Department of Medical Oncology
[9] Centre Léon Bérard,Department of Pathology
[10] Centre Léon Bérard,Department of Medical Oncology
[11] Centre Georges-Francois Leclerc,Department of Medical Oncology
[12] Institut Curie,Department of Medical Oncology
[13] Univ. Bordeaux,Department of Medical Oncology
[14] Inserm,Orthopaedic and trauma department
[15] Bordeaux Population Health Research Center,Medical Oncology Department
[16] Clinical and Epidemiological Research Unit,Radiation Oncology and Brachytherapy Department
[17] Lyon University Hospital,Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
[18] Institut Bergonié,Equipe EMS
[19] CHRU Jean Minjoz,Oncology Department
[20] ICANS,Department of Orthopedics Traumatology
[21] Institut Paoli-Calmettes,Medical Oncology Department, Hôpital Cochin; AP
[22] Rennes1 University Pontchaillou University Hospital,HP
[23] University Côte d’Azur,AP
[24] Centre Antoine Lacassagne,HP Dermatology Department
[25] Centre Oscar Lambret,Department of Hepato
[26] Réunion University Hospital,Gastroenterology and Digestive Oncology
[27] Surgery Department,Department of Medical Oncology
[28] Centre François Baclesse,CRLCC Léon Berard – Lyon
[29] Centre Léon Bérard,Department of Medical Oncology
[30] Centre Jean Perrin,Department of Medical Oncology
[31] CHU de Dupuytren,Medical Oncology
[32] Cancer Research for PErsonalized Medicine (CARPEM); Paris University,Departement of Medical Oncology
[33] Saint-Louis Hospital,Department of Pathology
[34] INSERM U976,Department of Medical Oncology
[35] Université de Paris Diderot,undefined
[36] Reims University Hospital,undefined
[37] Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging,undefined
[38] CHU-hôpitaux de Rouen,undefined
[39] Cancer Institute of Lorraine,undefined
[40] Oncology Regional Network ONCO-AURA,undefined
[41] Lille University Medical School and Centre Oscar Lambret,undefined
[42] Medical Oncology Department,undefined
[43] CHU La Timone and Aix-Marseille Université (AMU),undefined
[44] ICR IUCT- Oncopole Toulouse,undefined
[45] Insitut Gustave Roussy,undefined
[46] Centre Léon Bérard,undefined
[47] Université de Lyon and Unicancer Paris,undefined
[48] Institut Bergonié,undefined
[49] Centre Leon Berard,undefined
Cancer inequalities;
Spatial inequalities;
Reference networks;
Cancer care accessibility;
Rare cancers;
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