Emission of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds: An Overview of Field, Laboratory and Modelling Studies Performed during the `Tropospheric Research Program' (TFS) 1997–2000

J.-P. Schnitzler
N. Bauknecht
N. Brüggemann
W. Einig
R. Forkel
R. Hampp
A. C. Heiden
U. Heizmann
T. Hoffmann
C. Holzke
L. Jaeger
M. Klauer
M. Komenda
R. Koppmann
J. Kreuzwieser
H. Mayer
H. Rennenberg
G. Smiatek
R. Steinbrecher
J. Wildt
W. Zimmer
[1] Fraunhofer-Institut für Atmosphärische Umweltforschung,Botanisches Institut der Universität Tübingen
[2] Lehrstuhl für Physiologische Ökologie der Pflanzen,Forschungszentrum Jülich
[3] Institut für Chemie der Belasteten Atmosphäre,Institut
[4] Institut für Forstbotanik und Baumphysiologie der Universität Freiburg,II: Troposphäre
[5] Institut für Spektrochemie und angewandte Spektroskopie,undefined
[6] Meteorologisches Institut der Universität Freiburg,undefined
[7] Forschungszentrum Jülich,undefined
[8] Institut für Chemie und Dynamik der Geosphäre,undefined
biogenic volatile organic compounds; BVOC; models; emission inventory of Germany; isoprene; monoterpene; acetaldehyde;
The present paper summarises results on the emission of biogenicvolatile organic compounds (BVOC) achieved within the frame of thenational `German Tropospheric Research Programme' (TFS) between 1997 and2000. Field measurements were carried out at the meteorologicalmonitoring station `Hartheimer Wald' located in the vicinity of Freiburg(upper Rhine valley), Germany, within a pine plantation dominated byScots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The measured BVOC emissionrates were used to determine the daily and seasonal variation of BVOCemission and its dependence on important meteorological and plantphysiological parameters. In parallel, laboratory experiments usingyoung trees of pine (P. sylvestris), poplar (Populustremula ×P. alba) and pedunculate oak (Quercusrobur L.) were performed, and the influence of abiotic (e.g.,light, temperature, seasonality, flooding) factors on the biosynthesisand emission of BVOC was quantified. Based on these data, emissionalgorithms were evaluated and a process-oriented numerical model for thesimulation of the isoprene emission by plants was developed. Inaddition, newly calculated land use and tree species distributions wereused for the calculation of an actual BVOC emission inventory ofGermany.
页码:159 / 177
共 2 条
  • [1] Emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds:: An overview of field, laboratory and modelling studies performed during the 'Tropospheric Research Program' (TFS) 1997-2000
    Schnitzler, JP
    Bauknecht, N
    Brüggemann, N
    Einig, W
    Forkel, R
    Hampp, R
    Heiden, AC
    Heizmann, U
    Hoffmann, T
    Holzke, C
    Jaeger, L
    Klauer, M
    Komenda, M
    Koppmann, R
    Kreuzwieser, J
    Mayer, H
    Rennenberg, H
    Smiatek, G
    Steinbrecher, R
    Wildt, J
    Zimmer, W
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