The examination of a yearly cycle of plankton density (rotifer and microcrustacean) and of 419 stomach contents of four species of salmonid fishes, arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, brown trout,Salmo trutta, rainbow trout, Onchorynchus mykiss and lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, living in five high altitude lakes in the French Alps, shows an impact of abiotic variates and the effects of predation on the composition of zooplankton assemblages. The lakes studied may be divided in two groups. The colder, Muzelle and Puy Vachier, are characterised by a low level of food resources, an important impact of predation, and the near absence of planktonic crustaceans. The second group, consisting of Lakes Les Pisses, Petarel and Palluel, is characterised by a low density rotifer assemblage and a more abundant crustacean population controlled by a low level of fish predation.