Gender and motivation in high school mathematicsclass were examined by using an expectancy-valueframework. There were 366 students (146 males, 212females)from a school with an enrollmentof approximately 1900 students (81% Caucasian, 8% NativeAmerican, 5% Hispanic, 4% African American, and 2%Asian). These students completed a questionnaireconsisting of 92 items which measured students'situation-specific goals (4 subscales), task-specific values (3subscales), task-specific beliefs (3 subscales), andgender self-schemata (2 subscales). Students' percentagegrade in math and selfreported effort in math class were the dependent variables. The three sets oftask-specific variables each accounted for between 11%and 14% of variance in achievement, while the genderself-schemata variables contributed another 2%. Task-specific goals were much strongerpredictors of effort than any other set of variables. Anunexpected finding was that, for both males and females,endorsing the stereotype that mathematics is a male domain was negatively related to reportedeffort. There were also differences in the prediction ofachievement and effort based on gender and math classtype (required or elective). Several path models supported these results.