Following site preparation, three cultural treatments and three open-pollinated loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) families were studied on a gently sloping Beauregard silt loam in central Louisiana. The treatments were: (1) fertilization (either broadcast application of 177 kg N and 151 kg P/ha or none); (2) herbicide application (either broadcast application of herbicides during the first through third growing seasons, and felling of a few, scattered volunteer hardwood trees greater than 2.5 cm dbh during the third growing season or none); and (3) litter application (either broadcast application of 37 Mg/ha (oven-dried weight) of pine straw over the plots to form a 10 to 15 cm layer or none). The subplot treatment was planting stock, where in November 1988, 28-week-old container-grown loblolly pine seedlings from three open-pollinated families were randomly assigned to planting locations. Through five growing seasons, fertilization and weed control with herbicides resulted in the greatest loblolly pine productivity, but the use of herbicides severely reduced other vegetation. Applying litter, which was less effective than herbicides as a weed control treatment, increased the presence of blackberry (Rubus spp.) when herbicides were not applied. Applying litter resulted in a decrease and fertilization resulted in an increase in the number and length of live lateral roots. Soil temperature was reduced by litter application. Treatment responses were not influenced by loblolly pine family.