To describe the work ability and health problems among Brazilian recyclable waste pickers. Sixty-one workers answered questionnaires related to the work ability (Work Ability Index—WAI), musculoskeletal problems (Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire—NMQ), low back related disability (Roland Morris Questionnaire—RMQ), physical activity (International Physical Activity Questionnaire—IPAQ), smoking (Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence—FTND), and alcohol use (The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test AUDIT). Brazilian recyclable waste pickers are mostly young (25–44 years old: 54%), women (88%) with low schooling (incomplete elementary school: 54%), high turnover at work (job seniority < 12 months: 70%), low rates of sick leave (20%) and accidents at work (13%). The workers reported good (44%) or optimal (43%) work ability. The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in the last 12 months was high (lower back: 49%, shoulders: 28%, neck: 23%, wrists and hands: 21%), as well as the prevalence of hypertension (28%). Most of the workers reported to be physically active or very active (57%), smoke (34%) and drink alcohol (44%). This study outlined the profile of recyclable waste pickers regarding work ability and health problems, which highlight the need for preventive measures focused on musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases among this population.