We refer to the task of recovering the 3D structure of an object or a scene using 2D images as image-based modeling. In this paper, we formulate the task of recovering the 3D structure as a discrete optimization problem solved via energy minimization. In this standard framework of a Markov random field (MRF) defined over the image we present algorithms that allow the user to intuitively interact with the algorithm. We introduce an algorithm where the user guides the process of image-based modeling to find and model the object of interest by manually interacting with the nodes of the graph. We develop end user applications using this algorithm that allow object of interest 3D modeling on a mobile device and 3D printing of the object of interest. We also propose an alternate active learning algorithm that guides the user input. An initial attempt is made at reconstructing the scene without supervision. Given the reconstruction, an active learning algorithm uses intuitive cues to quantify the uncertainty of the algorithm and suggest regions, querying the user to provide support for the uncertain regions via simple scribbles. These constraints are used to update the unary and the pairwise energies that, when solved, lead to better reconstructions. We show through machine experiments and a user study that the proposed approach intelligently queries the users for constraints, and users achieve better reconstructions of the scene faster, especially for scenes with textureless surfaces lacking strong textural or structural cues that algorithms typically require.