The article focuses on the analysis of expressive Russian feminatives with suffixes -ixa and -ša and their translation equivalents in Czech. The research hypothesis is the assumption that Russian feminatives with the suffixes -ixa and -ša have inherent expressiveness, which is either lost in the Czech translation, or turns into contextual expressiveness (i.e. it is expressed using other linguistic means than the expressive feminative suffix). In the first part of the article, an overview of relevant theories of linguistic expressiveness and expressive motivation is given, and word-forming ways of creating feminatives in both languages are also highlighted. The next part of the article presents the results of corpus data research obtained while working with the parallel corpus InterCorp v13 (Russian and aligned corpus Czech). Lexemes with the given suffixes were extracted and the frequency of their use in fiction texts whose original language is Russian (InterCorp v13 – Russian) and translated texts (aligned parallel corpus InterCorp v13 – Czech) was presented: a total of 9 lemmas with the suffix -ixa were found and 28 lemmas with the suffix -ša. The extracted lemmas with the suffixes -ixa and -ša were analyzed from the word-formation and lexical-semantic point of view (in this analysis, emphasis was placed, among other things, on translation strategies) and thus the hypothesis posed at the beginning of the corpus research was confirmed.