Developing disease resistant cultivars is one of the major objectives for a potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) breeding program, but many resistant clones have not achieved commercial acceptance because of late maturity and non-marketable tuber characteristics. Selection for tuber quality should have greater emphasis inbreeding disease resistant cultivars. The objectives of this study were 1) to evaluate the ability of late blight (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary) resistant parents to transmit chip-processing (tuber appearance, specificgravity, and chip-color) or tablestock (tuber appearance) quality to the offspring and 2) to compare selecting for tuber quality in single-hill versus eight-hill generations. We made crosses among eight unadapted potato cultivars (B0718-3,Bertita, Bzura, Greta, Libertas, Stobrawa, Tollocan, and Zarevo) with reported late blight resistance with adapted susceptible cultivars/breeding clones to generate 95populations (4,750 seedlings). Approximately 10% of the progeny from each cross were selected from single-hill plots based on tuber appearance, number, shape, and internal defects. These selected clones (408) were evaluated for tuber appearance, specific gravity, and chip-color. The same evaluations in the following year were made on tuber samples from eight-hill plots. Libertas and Tollocan were the best parents for transmitting chip-color; B0718-3, Zarevo, and Tollocan for transmitting tuber appearance; and Bzura, Libertas, and Zarevo for transmitting high specific gravity to the highest percentage of the offspring. Overall, 50% and 56% of the clones based on single- and eight-hill generation, respectively, were considered to possess chip-processing quality; over 90% of the clones had acceptable tablestock quality. A total of 71% of the clones possessing acceptable chip-processing and 95% of the clones possessing acceptable tablestock quality selected in both generations were identified in single-hill plots. The evaluation of tuber quality characteristics in single-hill generation not only permitted the identification of clones with acceptable chip-processing and tablestock, but also increased the amount of clonal information for the following generation of selection. In crosses between late blight resistant and susceptible clones, selection for tuber quality traits can be initiated in single-hill generation using a moderate selection intensity and precede late blight testing.