This paper establishes an irreversible Dual-Miller cycle (DMC) model with the heat transfer (HT) loss, friction loss (FL) and other internal irreversible losses. To analyze the effects of the cut-off ratio (ρ) and Miller cycle ratio (rM) on the power output (P), thermal efficiency (η) and ecological function (E), obtain the optimal ρopt and optimal rMopt, and compare the performance characteristics of DMC with its simplified cycles and with different optimization objective functions, the P, η and E of irreversible DMC are analyzed and optimized by applying the finite time thermodynamic (FTT) theory. Expressions of P, η and E are derived. The relationships among P, η, E and compression ratio (ε) are obtained by numerical examples. The effects of ρ and rM on P, η, E, maximum power output (MP), maximum efficiency (MEF) and maximum ecological function (ME) are analyzed. Performance differences among the DMC, the Otto cycle (OC), the Dual cycle (DDC), and the Otto-Miller cycle (OMC) are compared for fixed design parameters. Performance characteristics of irreversible DMC with the choice of P, η and E as optimization objective functions are analyzed and compared. The results show that the irreversible DMC engine can reach a twice-maximum power, a twice-maximum efficiency, and a twice-maximum ecological function, respectively. Moreover, when choosing E as the optimization objective, there is a 5.2%of improvement in η while there is a drop of only 2.7% in P compared to choosing P as the optimization objective. However, there is a 5.6% of improvement in P while there is a drop of only 1.3% in η compared to choosing as the optimization objective.