The water-soluble concentration of heavy metals in road dust poses a considerable hazard to public health. The primary goals of the study were estimation of water-soluble contents of heavy metal, estimation of pollution indices, and source apportionment of water-soluble contents of heavy metals using UNMIX model from the road dust of Zhengzhou city. To accomplish this, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) was used to determine concentrations of eight heavy metals (Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, Cd, As, Pb, and Hg), and it has been observed that Cu and Zn were the metals with the highest concentration, while Hg, Cd, and Pb were in the lowest concentration range of metals. Pollution indices, geo-accumulation index (Igeo), contamination factor (CF), and Nemerow synthetic pollution index (PIN) were calculated to assess the contamination level of water-soluble contents of these hazardous heavy metals. Igeo classified the contamination risk into a spectrum of categories ranging from unpolluted (Cr and Pb) to high polluted (Cu and Cd). For the CF results, the concentration of Cr and Pb was found to be low, similar to Igeo, while the concentrations of three heavy metals, Cu, Cd, and Hg, were found to be extremely high or excessive. The results of the PIN assessment indicated that there was an enormous risk of Hg contamination in the city and that Cu, Cd, and Zn were all within a few percent of the Hg pollution level and hence fell into the high pollution group. The UNMIX model was used for source apportionment of dissolved heavy metals and showed: Source 1 (natural sources, 10%), Source 2 (copper mine tailing contamination, 19%), and Source 3 (agricultural activities22%). Source 4 accounted for (air pollution, 15%) of the total and Source 5 accounted for (industrial activity, 34%). It is imperative that immediate and comprehensive pollution control and preventive measures be implemented in the city due to the presence of metal in the dust.