Although Nissen fundoplication controls gastroesophageal reflux disease effectively, it is associated with an incidence of side effects. For this reason we have investigated the use of a laparoscopic 180-degree anterior fundoplication as a technique that has the potential to control reflux, but with less associated post-operative dysphagia and fewer gas-related side effects. Good short-term (6-month) outcomes have been previously reported within the context of a randomized trial. This report details the technique we used and describes the outcome of this procedure with longer follow-up in a much larger group of patients. The outcome for patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease who underwent a laparoscopic anterior 180-hemifundoplication was determined. Clinical follow-up was carried out prospectively by an independent scientist who applied a standardized questionnaire yearly following surgery. This questionnaire evaluated symptoms of reflux, postoperative problems including dysphagia, gas bloat, ability to belch, and overall satisfaction with clinical outcome. From July 1995 to May 1999, a total of 107 patients underwent a laparoscopic anterior hemifundoplication. Four patients underwent further surgery for recurrent heartburn, and persistent troublesome dysphagia occurred in one. At 1 year 89% of patients remained free of reflux symptoms, and at 3 years 84% remained symptom free. Of those with symptoms of reflux, approximately half of them had only mild symptoms. The overall incidence and severity of dysphagia for liquids and solids was not altered by partial fundoplication. Epigastric bloating that could not be relieved by belching was uncommon, and only 11 % of the patients at 1 year and 10% at 3 years following surgery were unable to belch normally. Overall satisfaction with the outcome of surgery remained high at 3 years’ follow-up. Laparoscopic anterior partial fundoplication is an effective operation for gastroesophageal reflux, with a low incidence of side effects and a good overall outcome.