[1] Rheumatology Unit,Department of Physiology
[2] Royal Adelaide Hospital,Division of Nephrology
[3] Centre for Heart Rhythm Disorders,Division of Cardiology
[4] Discipline of Medicine,undefined
[5] University of Adelaide,undefined
[6] School of Health Sciences,undefined
[7] University of Iceland,undefined
[8] Faculty of Medicine,undefined
[9] School of Health Sciences,undefined
[10] University of Iceland,undefined
[11] Internal Medicine Services,undefined
[12] Landspitali—The National University Hospital of Iceland,undefined
[13] Data Management and Analysis Centre,undefined
[14] Discipline of Public Health,undefined
[15] University of Adelaide,undefined
[16] Cardiovascular Investigation Unit,undefined
[17] Royal Adelaide Hospital,undefined
[18] Internal Medicine Services,undefined
[19] Cardiovascular Research Center,undefined
[20] Landspitali—The National University Hospital of Iceland,undefined
[21] FOODplus Research Centre,undefined
[22] School of Agriculture Food and Wine,undefined
[23] University of Adelaide,undefined