In this paper, a novel method, zeolite partially replacing steel slag, was proposed to futher improve the properties (compressive strength and carbonation degree) of steel slag compacts futher after CO2 curing. Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) results illustrated that the Ca, and, Fe ion concentrations in the steel slag matrix substituted by 5 wt% zeolite (water-to-solid ratio of 10) were 78.19 mg/L and 4.09 mg/L, 19.3% and 99.0% higher than that of pure steel slag after 1 d of hydration curing respectively. The decreased crystallite size of C(4)AF and increase in Fe ion concentration illustrates that zeolite with pozzolanic properties could react with CaO-FeOx matrix components such as brownmillerite (C(4)AF), to produce C-S-H gel, which possesses higher solubility than the CaO-FeOx matrix, to improve the Ca ion concentration. In terms of the compressive strength and carbonation degree results, the optimum zeolite substitution ratios were 5 wt% and 15 wt%, respectively. After 1 d hydration and 2 h of carbonation curing, the compressive strength of the steel slag compacts with 5 wt% zeolite (CSZ5) was 14% higher than that of pure steel slag compacts (CSZ0). With respect to carbonation degree, the steel slag substituted with 15 wt% zeolite (CSZ15) had a 10.2% higher carbonation level than that of CSZ0. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.