The focus of this study is the use of an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR) to continuously produce hydrogen under thermophilic conditions (55 degrees C) using a range of cheese whey (CW) concentrations and hydraulic retention times (HRTs). The following combinations of tests parameters were evaluated: a fixed concentration of 4900 +/- 200 mg lactose L-1 and HRTs of 8, 6, 4, 2,1 and 0.5 h in AFBRi and a fixed HRT of 6 h and influent CW concentrations of 2800 +/- 100, 4900 +/- 200, 6800 +/- 300, 9800 +/- 300 and 14,600 +/- 300 mg lactose L-1 in AFBR(2). For AFBR(1), the maximum hydrogen production rate (HPR) obtained was 4.1 +/- 0.2 L H-2 h(-1) L-1 in the HRT of 0.5 h, and maximum hydrogen yield (HY) of 3.67 0.59 mol H-2 mol lactose(-1) in the HRT of 4 h. For AFBR(2), the maximum HPR was 0.85 0.12 L H-2 h(-1) L-1 at a concentration of 6800 +/- 300 mg lactose L-1, and the maximum HY was 2.64 mol H-2 mol lactose(-1) at a concentration of 2800 +/- 100 mg lactose L-1. In both reactors, the main metabolic products were acetic acid and butyric acid. Based on 16S rRNA clone analysis of the bacterial community, the identified sequences were affiliated with relative abundances of 48.42% (Thermoanaerobacterium and Thermohydrogenium kirishiense) and 75.53% (Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticuum and T. kirishiense) in AFER(1) and AFBR(2), respectively. (C) 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.