Background and Purpose. The purpose of this study was to use quantitative and qualitative research methods to evaluate quality-of-life (QOL) changes in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) after pulmonary rehabilitation. Subjects. Twenty-nine individuals with COPD (18 women and ii men), with a mean age of 69 years (SD=8.6, range=53-92), participated. Methods. Subjects were assessed before and after a 5-week control phase and after a 5-week rehabilitation phase using the Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ), the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), and spirometry. Our qualitative research was based on a subsample of 7 subjects who were interviewed after pulmonary, rehabilitation. Results. Pulmonary rehabilitation improved QOL, as demonstrated by increases of 22% and 14% in the physical function categories of the CRQ and the SF-36, respectively, and by an increase of 10% in die CRQ's emotional function category. The qualitative data indicated how pulmonary rehabilitation influenced QOL. Conclusion and Discussion. The use of both quantitative and qualitative methods illustrated the nature of improvement in QOL after pulmonary rehabilitation. Improved physical function, less dyspnea, and a heightened sense of control over the subjects' COPD resulted in increased confidence and improved emotional well-being.