In this study, a field trial was conducted for 2 years with 4 forage plants grown in natural conditions in the salty lands of Central Anatolia with high-water tables. The feed plants used in the experiment are (A) Agropyron elongatum, (B) Festuca elatior (C), Puccinellia distans (D), Lotus strictus, and their triple mixtures. Soils have high lime content and excessively salty, low salt content in lower layers, no sodium problem. While the salt concentration of the groundwater, where irrigation is done, varies between 3.10-2.95 dS m(-1), soil salinity increased during the growing season and decreases during the winter period. The level of the water table increased in the winter while it decreased in the summer. In the first year of the experiment, the highest green grass yield was obtained from A. elongatum with 9.766,0 tons ha(-1), and in the second year from L. Strictus parcels with 14.265,0 tons ha-1. Likewise, these two varieties took first place in hay yields. Considering the average green grass yield of two years, L. Strictus took first place with 9.141,0 tons per hectare, while A.elongatum took place the second place with 7.448,0 tons. According to hay yields, A.elongatum ranked first with 2.943,0 tons, L. Strictus ranked second with 2.349,0 tons. A statistically significant difference (P < 0.01) was found between the green grass and dry grass yields of the cultivars in both trial years. According to Duncan test results made with dry grass yields, A.elongatum 1st group in the first year and other subjects formed the second and third group. In the second year, L.strictus alone formed first (a), D and G mixtures second (b), A. elongatum and E mixture third (bc), and F. elatior and P. distans fourth (c) group. The results obtained have shown that in the areas under the effect of saline groundwater, one of the first works to be done in the period until the soils are rehabilitated or to evaluate these soils, will be important benefits of creating artificial pastures with forage plant species and mixtures suitable for local conditions. The mixture of A. elongatum, P. distans, and L. Strictus in the pasture facility was found to be a good artificial pasture mixture for the region. Due to the ability of the legume species in the mixture to renew themselves with seeds, it should be taken into consideration in terms of the sustainability of fertility in the artificial pasture. On the other hand, the high crude protein content of legumes will increase the nutritional value of mixtures.