Adnexal masses have a risk of malignancy, especially in postmenopausal women, thus affecting the physical, psychological, and social lives of women with such masses. In addition, patients require a long duration of hospitalization during treatment. In earlier studies, researchers have focused on the experiences of newly diagnosed women or the side effects of treatment. However, women?s experiences during the hospitalization period have been ignored. In this study we explored the feelings, thoughts, experiences, and nursing care needs of women hospitalized with adnexal mass diagnosis. In this qualitative study, interviews were conducted with 11 women hospitalized for an adnexal mass or ovarian cancer diagnosis. The feelings, thoughts, and experiences of the women were negatively affected. They were more likely to rely on internal motivation and had lesser expectations of professional support. Thus, nurses should provide women with this diagnosis social support and facilitate their adaptation to the hospital. The diagnosis and treatment of adnexal masses is a complex process that requires teamwork. Therefore, navigator nurses can be of great help to women during their illness.