Alternatives need to be addressed for reducing losses in elephant grass (EG; Pennisetum purpureum) silages. Furthermore, smallholders lack information on the nutritional aspects of dairy farms. The aim of this study was to evaluate total mixed ration silage (TMR) combining fresh EG and concentrate ingredients, creating the following treatments: (i) EG silage (control); (ii) EG, corn and soya bean meal; (iii) EG, corn, soya bean meal and molasses; (iv) EG, citrus pulp and soya bean meal; and (v) EG, citrus pulp, soya bean meal and molasses. Five replicates of each treatment were ensiled in 15-L plastic jars. The fermentation profile, chemical composition, microbial counts and aerobic stability were assessed. Three contrasts were tested, as follows: (i) control vs. TMR; (ii) TMR with corn vs. TMR with citrus pulp; and (iii) TMR with molasses vs. TMR without molasses. Variables were analysed through the PROC MIXED procedure of the SAS at the 5% level. The TMR had better fermentation profile, lower effluent production and longer aerobic stability compared to control. When the effect of corn was compared to citrus pulp among the TMR, silages with citrus pulp showed lower fermentation losses, non-protein nitrogen and effluent production. The aerobic stability also improved with citrus pulp. Molasses did not affect the fermentation profile. Overall, lactic acid was the primary acid in all TMR. Nitrogen source (e.g., soya bean meal) can be used without compromising the fermentation process. TMR with citrus pulp showed better results than corn. TMR may be an alternative to optimize the use of EG on smallholdings.