The aim of this research was to analyze intellectual capital in Serbian fruit companies with respect to size, fruit sector, and certification status. Representatives from 75 companies were interviewed. Survey data were analyzed through 56 items, grouped into three sub-categories of intellectual capital: human capital, structural capital, and relational capital. This study provides insight into how the fruit industry in a developing country perceives intellectual capital and demonstrates the use of developed models from other industries in the food industry. The novelty of this approach was the dimension reduction of intellectual capital factors into two distinct directions, namely, customer quality' and stakeholder quality', confirming quality as a dominant basis for both customers and stakeholders. Micro companies and non-certified companies are focused on customers, while medium-sized and certified companies are focused on satisfying requirements from all stakeholders. This study provides insight for engineering managers engaged in using intellectual capital models in the food/fruit industry. The presented model explores the potential of intellectual capital in determining quality improvement opportunities and improving company performance.