Despite the fundamental influence and multidimensional impact of the phenomenon of humanization on international law, the concept of humanization of international law has not been subject to quantity-wise extended analysis by legal scholars and commentators. As much as T. Meron's findings addressing humanization of international law explicite have inspired a broad scholarly discourse in the literature, research focused on the impact of humanization on particular branches of international law remains overwhelmingly in minority. International economic law also called economic legal order is one of the branches which holds the status of the system of the law - international law. And although categories such as "law", "legal order" or "system of the law" do not have an equal scope of reference, linguistic distinctions between them do not have major significance in this study. However, they outline the background of reflections, in their assumptions devoted to the system of international law as such and international (including EU) economic law as the former's component. The discussed humanization of international law, in general terms revealing the impact of human rights on international law and thus outlining the area of research and bringing its scope onto international ground, is a specific binding link of these analyses. The essence of humanization of international law per se is a substantive justification of leaving out the subject-matter of internal law in this study. Referring to the above, the adopted research methodology, proceeding from the general to the detail, with particular emphasis on the case study (international (including EU) economic law), orders one to assume that the main aim of this study is to demonstrate the influence (impact) of humanization of international law on the international economic order. The culmination of the research involves the formulation of the research hypothesis according to which humanization in the context of international economic law should be examined in two dimensions, as humanization of law and humanization in the law. Introduction of these categories is a novum in current research addressing this subject-matter and verification of the hypothesis outlines the scope of observations carried out on the basis of the analytical method and the method of interpretation of applicable law.