The crisis we encounter in the global community is paramount to all species of social interaction. COVID-19, previously known as 2019 nCoV has devastated our day-to-day lives from our financial capability to our emotional condition. According to Rubin and Wessely (2020), the widespread contagion will inevitably have a psychological effect. This study aims to explore the different coping mechanisms among university students with the current global crisis, determine the significant difference of coping among gender preferences, and identify to what extent university students have been able to cope. Data was collected through a researcher-made survey questionnaire and an instrument adapted from Carver (1997). The survey was administered to university students. Students who responded and gave their consent were included in the study. Based on the results, the top five coping strategies that the students use as per experience are "listening to music", "sleeping", "social media", "movie/Netflix", and "online games". However, it is also notable that none of the students believed that using "prohibited drugs" or "substance use" is an option in coping with this pandemic. Moreover, there is no significant difference in coping among gender preferences which implies that regardless of your gender preference, orientation, and identity, all want to deal with their problems, hardships, or stresses in life. Hence, diverting one's attention to other things somehow is the students' best way of coping, armoured with positivity and faith.