Indonesia is one of country with high usage of social media. Referred to Ministry of Communication and Information's portal [1], 4 out of 10 Indonesia citizens actively using social media, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. Therefore, this condition gives high potency to use this network for development of many sectors in Indonesia, including tourism. This research aims to see whether social media is effective to influence tourist's decision making to travel. This research use AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, dan Action) model to make indicators for reaching its aim. This research uses 100 selected respondent's answer of online questionnaire which analyzed by using t test on SPSS. The respondents will be asked about their activity in social media and travelling. The result of the research shows that the influence of social media is effective on tourist decision making based on AIDA model. Furthermore, this research hopefully will give some insights for government of tourism industry to enrich promotion materials and content as market's expectation. The result of this research will enrich tourism marketing development especially promotion by using social media, as a part of the whole process of integrated tourism planning.