Objectives. - Hypersensitivity reactions IgE-mediated (anaphylaxis) or non-IgE-mediated (anaphylactoid) reactions occurring during anaesthesia remain a major cause of concern for anaesthesiologists, since these reactions remain usually unpredictable, may be potentially life-threatening even when appropriately treated. The authors report the results of the last 2-year survey (2001, 2002) of such reactions conducted in France by the GERAP (groupe d'etude des reactions anaphylactoides peranesthesiques), and compare these results with their previous published surveys. Methods. - Between January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2002, 712 patients who experienced immune-mediated (anaphylaxis) or non-immune-mediated (anaphylactoid) reactions were referred to one of the 40 allergo-anaesthesia centres members of the GERAP. Anaphylaxis was diagnosed on the basis of clinical history, tryptase measurements during the adverse reaction, and skin tests and/or specific IgE assay. Results. - Anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions were diagnosed in 491 cases (69%) and 221 cases (31%), respectively. The most common causes of anaphylaxis were neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA) (n=271, 55%), latex (n=112, 22.3%), and antibiotics (n=74, 14.7%). Succinylcholine (n=102, 37.6%) and rocuronium (n=71, 26.2%) were the most frequently incriminated NMBAs. Cross-reactivity between NMBAs was observed in 63.4% of cases of anaphylaxis to a NMBA. No difference was observed between anaphylactoid and anaphylactic reactions when the incidences of atopy, food, or drug intolerance were compared. However atopy, asthma and food allergy were significantly more frequent in case of latex allergy, when compared with NMBA allergy. Clinical manifestations were more severe in anaphylaxis. The positive predictive value of tryptase measurement for the diagnosis of anaphylaxis was 95.3%, the negative predictive value 49%. The diagnostic value of specific neuromuscular blocking agent IgE assays was confirmed. Conclusion. - Our results further corroborate the need for systematic screening in case of immediate hypersensitivity reaction during anaesthesia and for the constitution of allergo-anaesthesia centres to provide expert advice to anaesthesiologists and allergologists. (C) 2004 Elsevier SAS. Tous droits reserves.