Patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) have a devastating prognosis and therapeutic options are limited. Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) mobilizes immune and stem cells and possess immune-modulatory and proregenerative capacities. In this review, we aim to define the current evidence for the treatment with G-CSF in end-stage liver disease. Several smaller clinical trials in patients with different severity grades of end-stage liver disease have shown that G-CSF improves survival and reduces the rate of complications. Adequately powered multicenter European trials could not confirm these beneficial effects. In mouse models of ACLF, G-CSF increased the toll-like receptor (TLR)-mediated inflammatory response which led to an increase in mortality. Adding a TLR4 signaling inhibitor allowed G-CSF to unfold its proregenerative properties in these ACLF models. These data suggest that G-CSF requires a noninflammatory environment to exert its protective properties.