Nowadays, in the society based on knowledge, in the era of smart cities and smart communities, we can observe a growing meaning of education on the higher level. Moreover, on the current level of urbanization, we are facing a need of sustainable development of cities, which requires a conscious society capable of social participation. In this context, it is extremely necessary to educate students in the major of Architecture and Urban Studies in a holistic way so that as future designers they will not only be rightful participants of such discussions, but also their conscious initiators and moderators. The specificity of the faculties of Architecture and Urban Studies causes that the opportunities of cooperation with industry are smaller than in other majors, whereas there is a widely developed cooperation with self-government units and municipal authorities. Commercialization of both the results of scientific and research studies as well as presentations of students' projects brings decent and notable benefits for both sides. The study concerns students of the fourth year at the first cycle full-time studies in the major Architecture and Urban Studies, who carry out final engineering projects. The paper concentrates on possibilities of linking education, research and cooperation with units outside the University within an engineering project, which is the culmination of the first degree technical studies in Poland. In particular, on the basis of the author's experience, the paper presents: the need to make higher education more professional, the methodology of teaching in an engineering project (broadened with workshops, in situ studies, inventory, social participation, contacts with representatives of different communities and organizations, an exhibition and competition for the best research article and its presentation), advantages and limits of cooperation with external partners, benefits for students resulting from such a form of the engineering project as well as conclusions concerning educational methods so that they will meet the challenges of the 21st century. The research results may be useful to define key elements which, after including them into the educational process at the first cycle studies, will complete it and raise competences and creativity of future engineers - architects and at the same time will contribute to the academic success.