In order to simulate the flow in Barlad river basin the lumped hydrological model CONSUL was used. This model allows the determination of the discharge hydrographs on sub-basins, theirs routing and composition on the main river and tributaries in conformity with a simple schematic representation (topological modelling) that shows the hypothetical river basin water drainage. The main modules of CONSUL model are: the module for net precipitation calculation (infiltration structure), the transfer module (unit hydrograph) and the routing module. Following the topological modelling, for the Barlad river basin, are identified 56 sub-basins (of which 15 has hydrometric stations situated near the outlet of sub-basins and thus can be considered as hydrometrically controlled sub-basins) and 30 river reaches (on which there are 26 hydrometric stations). For hydrometrically controlled sub-basins the infiltration parameters and those of unit hydrograph were calibrated based on 25 rainfall-runoff events, chosen to cover a wide range of possible situations in the case of floods formation. The parameters thus obtained were used to achieve regionalization relationships to determine the infiltration parameters and those of unit hydrograph, for hydrometrically uncontrolled river sub-basins, according to the morphometric characteristics of the sub-basins. For the river reaches bordered by hydrometric stations were calibrated routing parameters based on the same rainfall-runoff events. With the parameters thus obtained was achieved regionalization relationships based on morphometric characteristics of the river reaches. These relationships have allowed then the determination of routing parameters for hydrometrically uncontrolled river reaches. The values of model parameters, obtained from regionalization relationships, were verified by comparing simulated hydrographs with those measured at downstream gauging stations.