Performance factors of small Israeli tourism ventures were examined using an integrated model that combines four theoretical approaches, each focusing on a different central facet: environmental milieu institutional support, entrepreneurial human capital, and the venture's bundle of services. The current research developed an operational instrument for assessing environmental attractiveness components of tourism ventures and their relationship to performance. A factor analysis, based on this instrument, revealed three environmental factors: tourist-related infrastructure, options for excursions and scenery, including climate. An attractive environment contributed to higher revenues in tourism ventures; however, it did not assure profitability. The results indicate the dual nature of the impact of institutional support upon the tourism venture's performance. Regardless of the size and age of ventures, those obtaining the advisory type of assistance from the governmental tourism incubator performed less well than those ventures that did not obtain such support By contrast, those tourism ventures that were financially supported by external sources performed better than those that were not financially supported. The explanation for this curious and seemingly contradictory finding may lie in the different criteria for receiving financial and advisory assistance. Success in persuading external sources to provide financial support would seem to be evidence of the soundness of the venture's planning and its economic viability. By contrast, insofar as virtually any venture in the area may apply for and obtain advisory assistance from the governmental tourism incubator, with no requirement to meet financial criteria of any kind, it could be that precisely the weaker ventures are being carried along by this form of assistance Among the various entrepreneur's attributes examined managerial skills provided the strongest association with the performance measures. The managerial skills were also found to be the most significant variable explaining performance relatively to the variables derived from the other three approaches. These results have implications regarding the nature of the support to be given by a governmental tourism incubator to entrepreneurs operating in the region. Given that lack of managerial skills is one of the main barriers to a venture's success, particularly in small businesses where the owners have to be involved in all areas of activity, the incubator needs to provide entrepreneurs with tailored regional business and management training tools to promote tourism venture development and success. The study also reveals that the number of services offered by a tourism venture made only a minor contribution in the revenues regression, which may indicate that providing a bundle of services for the tourist customer does nor necessarily guarantee profitability. A noteworthy finding is the similarity in the differential association between the number of services offered and the performance measures on the one hand, and attractiveness features with performance on the other. In both cases, these factors positively contribute to the revenues regression, brit neither contributes to the profitability or income regression. This means that an attractive environment does contribute to higher revenues, in thar more tourists choose to visit the tourist attractions; however, this does nor assure profitability. Similarly, providing many services to the visitors may also contribute to higher revenues, but does not necessarily assure profitable business outcomes. The current findings indicate that small tourism venture profitability is contingent on human capital, especially the skills of the entrepreneurs running the venture. In accordance with our findings that managerial skills are so crucial for venture success, the main objective of advisory incubators should be to promote managerial competencies. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc.