Here we continue recent work on the specific mental processes engaged in a valence-detection task. Fifty-seven participants responded to one predefined target level of valence (negative, neutral, or positive), and ignored the remaining two levels. This enables more precise fine-tuning of neuronal pathways, compared to valence categorization where attention is divided between different levels of valence. Our group recently used valence detection with emotional words. Posterior P1 and N170 effects in the event-related potential (ERP) supported the idea of valent word forms that can be tuned by selective attention to valence. Here we report findings on three distinct posterior N2 components, P300, N400, and the late positive potential (LPP). Target but not nontarget words showed an arousal effect (emotional > neutral) on left-side early posterior negativity (180-280 ms). In contrast, an arousal effect on a sharp N2 deflection in left-minus-right difference ERPs (230-270 ms), suggesting facilitation of lexical access for emotional words, was independent of target status. This also applied to increased medial parieto-occipital N2 (260-300 ms) specific to negative words, indicating attentional capture. Medial-central N400 was specifically enhanced for negative nontarget words, further supporting attentional capture. The typical LPP arousal effect was observed, being stronger and more left-lateralized in target words. An exploratory finding concerned a broad component-overarching ERP valence effect (250-650 ms). Independent of target status, ERPs were more positive for positive than negative words. Combined with our previous results, data suggest multiple loci of emotion-attention interactions in valence detection.