Aim: To systematically review the existing evidence on predictors for nurses and midwives' readiness towards Self-directed Learning (SDL). Background: Increased complexities in healthcare settings demand that nurses and midwives become involved in lifelong learning' by means of self-directed learning (SDL) for delivering quality healthcare. More evidence is available for the self-directed learning readiness (SDLR) of nursing and midwifery students, less is systematically derived on predictors for nurses and midwives' readiness to SDL. Design: An integrative systematic review. Methods: Systematic searches were carried out using the following five electronic databases: PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, Ovid Medline and Embase. Studies published in English language from 2000 to 2017 were included. The integrative systematic review framework developed by Whittemore and Knafl (2005) was used to analyse and summarise the key themes. Results: Of 804 initial screening papers, in total of eight eligible studies (six quantitative and two qualitative) were found. Integrative analysis resulted in four themes as predictors for nurses and midwives' readiness towards SDL: 1) personal characteristics, 2) working environment, 3) online learning and SDLR, and 4) process of SDL. Review found that, although demographic characteristics of nurses and midwives do not influence their SDLR, work environment often influences their SDLR. Furthermore, nurses and midwives have a positive interest in online learning that is often used to improve their knowledge acquisition. Conclusion: The review concludes that qualified nurses and midwives have a unique SDL predictors and process; hence, a personalized SDL programme should be prescribed based on personality traits so as to achieve better SDL outcomes. Future research should address the facilitating factors for SDLR, barriers to SDLR and strategies to improve SDLR among nurses and more importantly midwives, as limited evidence is available with respect to the latter.