In this work we have performed a QSAR study of atmospheric reactions with hydroxyl radical, at the B3LYP level of theory with 6-31G(d) basis set. Molecular descriptors selected by applying multiple linear stepwise regression (MLR) analysis were used to predict the reaction rate constants (-logk(OH)) of OH radicals with organic compounds in the atmosphere, including 98 alkenes and 80 aromatic compounds. For setting our reactions, we have calculated 98 alkenes and 80 aromatic compounds. A four-descriptor MLR model (rms = 0.102 and R-2= 0.938) for 98 alkenes was developed based on the number of R= CHX functional group counts, E-HOMO parameter, and Fukui indices of the double-bonded C atoms. We found vinyl chemicals with conjugated double bonds and electron-donor substituents are the most reactive systems; while alkenes with multiple halogen substitutions are the least reactive molecules. Additionally, a three-descriptor MLR model (rms = 0.282 and R-2= 0.910) was built to predict OH radical rate constants for 80 aromatic compounds, which was dominated by the E-HOMO parameter, a topological descriptor for steric hindrance, and the most positive net atomic charge on hydrogen atoms. Aromatics with electron-donor and electron-acceptor groups, respectively, possess high and low degradation rates. The halogen aromatics are less reactive, especially for aromatics with multiple halogen substitutions. In comparison to existing models, the two models obtained in this paper show better statistical quality.