Objective: To assess the response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NAC) in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer (LABC) in terms of pathological response, overall survival and feasibility of breast conservation surgery. Study Design: Case series. Place and Duration of Study: King Fahad Medical City (KFMC), Riyadh, from January 2009 to July 2012. Methodology: All patients of LABC who received NAC and underwent surgery were included. All these patients received the GORG001 regimen (FEC+Docetaxal+Cisplatin+/-Herceptin). After chemotherapy patients were offered surgery either Modified Radical Mastectomy (MRM) or Breast Conservation Surgery (BCS) +Radiotherapy. Patients were then followed to exclude local or distant metastasis. Results were described in percentage. Results: The median age at the time of diagnosis was 46.8 years. While complete response was achieved in 24 (44.4%) patients, 14 (25.9%) of the patients had partial response and 16 (29.6%) progressed clinically. Surgery was performed in these patients after NAC. Forty (74%) patients had MRM, 14 (25.9%) had BCS; all had axillary lymph node dissection. Invasive ductal carcinoma accounted for 92% of cases. Vascular invasion was present in 12 (22%) of the patients. Estrogen / progesterone receptor positivity was 61%. Thirty nine percent of the patients were Her2 positive. On an average, follow-up of 4 - 51 months in the MRM group, one patient had resection margin (deep) positive and was treated with adjuvant therapy. While in the BCS group after 3 -26 months of follow-up, one patient had resection margin positive (medial margin) and underwent MRM, while no patient had local or distant metastasis in both the groups. Conclusion: NAC caused down staging of disease in LABC making more conservative surgery feasible. BCC should be considered as an option for treatment of LABC, however, longer follow-up is recommended.