Trust in the cloud environment is not written into an agreement and is something earned. In any trust evaluation mechanism, opinion leaders are the entities influencing the behaviors or attitudes of others, this makes them to be trustworthy, valid among other characteristics. On the other hand, trolls are the entities posting incorrect and unreal comments; therefore, their effect must be removed. This paper evaluates the trust by considering the influence of opinion leaders on other entities and removing the troll entities' effect in the cloud environment. Trust value is evaluated Using five parameters; availability, reliability, data integrity, identity and capability. Also, we propose a method for opinion leaders and troll entity identification using three topological metrics, including input-degree, output-degree and reputation measures. The method being evaluated in various situation where shows the results of accuracy by removing the effect of troll entities and the advice of opinion leaders. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.