Mill's most famous departure from Bentham is his distinction between higher and lower pleasures, This article argues that quality and quantity are independent and irreducible properties of pleasures that may be traded off against each other - as in the case of quality and quantity of wine. I argue that Mill is not committed to thinking that there are two distinct kinds of pleasure, or that 'higher pleasures' lexically dominate lower ones, and that the distinction is compatible with hedonism. I show how this interpretation not only makes sense of Mill but at lows him to respond to famous problems, such as Crisp's Haydn and the oyster and Nozick's experience machine.
Hebrew Univ Jerusalem, Fac Social Sci, PPE Integrat Program, IL-91905 Jerusalem, IsraelHebrew Univ Jerusalem, Fac Social Sci, PPE Integrat Program, IL-91905 Jerusalem, Israel
Secretaria Estadual Educ Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Colegio Pedro II, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilSecretaria Estadual Educ Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, Brazil