Maritime cybersecurity is developing as an issue that affects the ocean. Recent security breaches cost shipping companies hundreds of millions of dollars and put marine ecosystems at risk by disabling ship controls and increasing risks of collisions and hazmat spills. Additionally, most new ships are designed to transmit engine performance data ashore to allow timely maintenance and efficient operation. However, many ships still prohibit such data transmission due to security concerns, resulting in increased ship emissions and environmental risks from accidental release of oil, hydraulic fluids, or lubricants. Similarly, research vessel data are routinely sent ashore, but security concerns for their computers are also increasing, especially when they operate in global ports and oceans. Maritime cybersecurity is also critical as autonomous ships are being developed. Addressing maritime cybersecurity is therefore a valid area of scientific policy research and important for ocean science operations. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has called for improved maritime cybersecurity, and the U.S. Coast Guard also recently released a Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC; NVIC 05-17) on maritime cybersecurity for comments. The newly established Maritime Cyber Security Committee of the Marine Technology Society is coordinating maritime cybersecurity best practice information, contacts for cybersecurity professionals, and lessons learned on responding to cyberattacks to make this information broadly available. We review here various stakeholder approaches to maritime cybersecurity, outline available resources, and discuss how advanced methods, including optical communications and quantum encryption, will improve maritime cybersecurity. Scientists have a role in developing and implementing maritime cybersecurity methods and policies to ensure safe ship operations and improved environmental security for the oceans.