The AlN-based solidly mounted resonator operated in thickness shear mode using lateral field excitation is presented both in theory and experiment. The resonator configuration consists of the electrodes parallel to the surface, a highly c-oriented AlN film and an acoustic Bragg reflector. The theoretical analysis of the Christoffel equation predicts that the electric field in any direction normal to the c-axis can excite the shear mode wave along the thickness direction. The electric field characteristics are calculated by finite element modeling in order to design the electrode frame. The testing results of the finished devices show that the thickness shear mode wave can be excited by the lateral electric field in c-axis oriented AlN solidly mounted resonators. The experimental frequency corresponds well to the theoretical one. The resonators operated in thickness shear mode have resonant frequencies near 2 GHz with an average Q (s) value of 323 and a K-eff(2) value of 0.83%.