Purpose To compare patterns and mechanisms of injuries during and after the UK Nationwide lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods This prospective cohort study included all major trauma admissions during the 10-week period of the nationwide lockdown (09/03/2020-18/05/2020), compared with admissions in the 10-weeks following the full lifting of lockdown restrictions (04/07/20-12/09/2020). Differences in the volume, spectrum and mechanism of injuries presenting during and post-lockdown were compared using Fisher's exact and Chi-squared tests as appropriate. The associated risk of 30-day mortality was examined using univariable and multivariable logistic regression. Results A total of 692 major trauma admissions were included in this analysis. Of these, 237 patients were admitted during the lockdown and 455 patients were admitted post-lockdown. This represented a twofold increase in trauma admission between the two periods. Characteristically, both cohorts had a higher proportion of male patients (73.84% male during lockdown and 72.5% male post-lockdown). There was a noted shift in age groups between both cohorts with an overall more elderly population during lockdown (p = 0.0292), There was a significant difference in mechanisms of injury between the two cohorts. The 3-commonest mechanisms during the lockdown period were: Road traffic accidents (RTA)-31.22%, Falls of less than 2 m-26.58%, and falls greater than 2 m causing 22.78% of major trauma admissions. However, in the post-lockdown period RTAs represented 46.15% of all trauma admissions with falls greater than 2 m causing 17.80% and falls less than 2 m causing 15.16% of major trauma injuries. With falls in the elderly associated with an increased risk of mortality. In terms of absolute numbers, there was a twofold increase in major trauma injuries due to stabbings and shootings, rising from 25 admitted patients during the lockdown to 53 admitted patients post-lockdown. Conclusions The lifting of lockdown restrictions resulted in a twofold increase in major trauma admissions that was also associated with significant changes in both the demographic and patterns of injuries with RTA's contributing almost half of all injury presentations.