Introduction: Optimal glycemic control can be achieved when patients are adherent to self-management behav-iours such as healthy diet, physical activity, monitoring of blood glucose, reducing the risk factors, ability to solve problems and healthy coping. In light of limited studies conducted, this study aimed to explore patient's per-ceptions on factors affecting diabetes self-management among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients of Labasa, Fiji. Materials and methods: A qualitative study was employed to obtain data using semi-structured interviews con-ducted amongst T2DM patients attending clinics in 3 randomly selected health facilities in Labasa, Fiji from 15th March to 5th April 2021. Non probability purposive sampling was used to recruit 30 T2DM patients. The data was collected using semi-structured open ended questionnaires. Thematic analysis was used for data analysis. This was done by closely examining the transcribed data to identify common themes such as ideas, topic and pattern that come up repeatedly, followed by reviewing themes, defining it and naming them. Result: Five themes emerged including; awareness on diabetes, perceptions towards diabetes mellitus, social support and diabetes self-management, challenges in diabetes self-management, and cultural beliefs and practices. The findings of the study demonstrated lack of knowledge and attitude towards definition of diabetes and its complications. The self-management practices amongst patients were insufficient. There was poor financial support and lack of social support among patients. Conclusion: The results of this study highlighted various factors such as poor knowledge of diabetes and its complications, inadequate family support, financial burden and strong cultural beliefs and social norms affecting diabetes self-management. This study informs the need to identify the factors affecting diabetes self-management among T2DM patients.