A preliminary landslide susceptibility analysis on a regional scale of moo 000 using bivariate statistics was conducted for the City of Karlovac. The City administration compiled landslide inventory used in the analysis based on recorded landslides from 2014 to 2019 that caused significant damage to buildings or infrastructures. Analyses included 17 geofactors relevant to landslide occurrence and classified them into four groups: geomorphological (elevation, slope gradient, slope orientation, terrain curvature, terrain roughness), geological (lithology-rock type, proximity to geological contacts, proximity to faults), hydrological (proximity to drainage network, proximity to springs, proximity to temporary, permanent and to all streams, topographic wetness) and anthropogenic (proximity to traffic infrastructure, land cover using two classifications). Five scenarios were defined using a different combination of geofactors weighted by the Weights-of Evidence (WoE) method, resulting in five different landslide susceptibility maps. The best landslide susceptibility map was selected upon the results of a ROC curve analysis, which was used to obtain success and prediction rates of each scenario. The novelty in the presented research is that a limited amount of thematic data and an incomplete landslide inventory map allows for the production of a preliminary landslide susceptibility map for usage in spatial planning. Also, this study provides a discussion regarding the used method, geofactors, defined scenarios and reliability of the results. The final preliminary landslide susceptibility map was derived using ten geofactors, which satisfied the pairwise CI test, and it is classified in four zones: low landslide susceptibility (57.05% of the area), medium landslide susceptibility (20.63% of the area), high landslide susceptibility (13.28% of the area), and very high landslide susceptibility (9.03% of the area), and has a success rate of 94% and a prediction rate of 93% making it a highly accurate source of preliminary information for the study area.