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The Chicxulub Asteroid Impact and Mass Extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
Schulte, Peter
Alegret, Laia
Arenillas, Ignacio
Arz, Jose A.
Barton, Penny J.
Bown, Paul R.
Bralower, Timothy J.
Christeson, Gail L.
Claeys, Philippe
Cockell, Charles S.
Collins, Gareth S.
Deutsch, Alexander
Goldin, Tamara J.
Goto, Kazuhisa
Grajales-Nishimura, Jose M.
Grieve, Richard A. F.
Gulick, Sean P. S.
Johnson, Kirk R.
Kiessling, Wolfgang
Koeberl, Christian
Kring, David A.
MacLeod, Kenneth G.
Matsui, Takafumi
Melosh, Jay
Montanari, Alessandro
Morgan, Joanna V.
Neal, Clive R.
Nichols, Douglas J.
Norris, Richard D.
Pierazzo, Elisabetta
Ravizza, Greg
Rebolledo-Vieyra, Mario
Reimold, Wolf Uwe
Robin, Eric
Salge, Tobias
Speijer, Robert P.
Sweet, Arthur R.
Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Jaime
Vajda, Vivi
Whalen, Michael T.
Willumsen, Pi S.
[1] Univ Erlangen Nurnberg, GeoZentrum Nordbayern, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany
[2] Univ Zaragoza, Dept Ciencias Tierra, E-50009 Zaragoza, Spain
[3] Univ Zaragoza, Inst Univ Invest Ciencias Ambientales Aragon, E-50009 Zaragoza, Spain
[4] Univ Cambridge, Dept Earth Sci, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, England
[5] UCL, Dept Earth Sci, London WC1E 6BT, England
[6] Penn State Univ, Dept Geosci, University Pk, PA 16802 USA
[7] Univ Texas Austin, Inst Geophys, Jackson Sch Geosci, Austin, TX 78759 USA
[8] Vrije Univ Brussel, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
[9] Open Univ, Ctr Earth Planetary Space & Astron Res, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, Bucks, England
[10] Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, London SW7 2BP, England
[11] Univ Munster, Inst Planetol, D-48149 Munster, Germany
[12] Univ Vienna, Dept Lithospher Res, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
[13] Tohoku Univ, Tsunami Engn Lab, Disaster Control Res Ctr, Grad Sch Engn, Sendai, Miyagi 9808579, Japan
[14] Inst Mexicano Petr, Programa Geol Explorac & Explotac, Direcc Invest & Posgrado, Mexico City 07730, DF, Mexico
[15] Nat Resources Canada, Earth Sci Sector, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E4, Canada
[16] Denver Museum Nat & Sci, Res & Collect Div, Denver, CO 80205 USA
[17] Humboldt Univ, Leibniz Inst, Museum Nat Kunde, D-10115 Berlin, Germany
[18] Univ Space Res Assoc, Lunar & Planetary Inst, Ctr Lunar Sci & Explorat, Houston, TX 77058 USA
[19] Univ Missouri, Dept Geol Sci, Columbia, MO 65211 USA
[20] Chiba Inst Technol, Planetary Explorat Res Ctr, Chiba 2750016, Japan
[21] Purdue Univ, W Lafayette, IN 47907 USA
[22] Osservatorio Geol Coldigioco, I-62021 Apiro, MC, Italy
[23] Univ Notre Dame, Dept Civil Engn & Geol Sci, Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA
[24] Scripps Inst Oceanog, SIO Geol Collect, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA
[25] Planetary Sci Inst, Tucson, AZ 85719 USA
[26] Univ Hawaii Manoa, Sch Ocean & Earth Sci & Technol, Dept Geol & Geophys, Honolulu, HI 96822 USA
[27] Ctr Invest Cient Yucatan, Unidad Ciencias Agua, Cancun 77500, Quintana Roo, Mexico
[28] Univ Versailles St Quentin En Yveunes, UMR 1572, Commiss Energie Atom,CNRS, Lab Sci Climat & Environm,Inst Pierre & Simon Lap, F-91198 Gif Sur Yvette, France
[29] Bruker Nano GmbH, D-12489 Berlin, Germany
[30] Katholieke Univ Leuven, Dept Earth & Environm Sci, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
[31] Geol Survey Canada, Nat Resources Canada, Calgary, AB T2L 2A7, Canada
[32] Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico, Lab Paleomagnetismo & Paleoambientes, Programa Univ Perforac Oceanos & Continentes, Inst Geofis, Mexico City 04510, DF, Mexico
[33] Lund Univ, Dept Earth & Ecosyst Sci, S-22362 Lund, Sweden
[34] Univ Alaska, Dept Geol & Geophys, Fairbanks, AK 99775 USA
D O I:
O [数理科学和化学];
P [天文学、地球科学];
Q [生物科学];
N [自然科学总论];
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The Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary similar to 65.5 million years ago marks one of the three largest mass extinctions in the past 500 million years. The extinction event coincided with a large asteroid impact at Chicxulub, Mexico, and occurred within the time of Deccan flood basalt volcanism in India. Here, we synthesize records of the global stratigraphy across this boundary to assess the proposed causes of the mass extinction. Notably, a single ejecta-rich deposit compositionally linked to the Chicxulub impact is globally distributed at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. The temporal match between the ejecta layer and the onset of the extinctions and the agreement of ecological patterns in the fossil record with modeled environmental perturbations (for example, darkness and cooling) lead us to conclude that the Chicxulub impact triggered the mass extinction.
页码:1214 / 1218