Purpose: The analysis of the nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs) was performed in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) to verify the role of cell proliferation in predicting complete remission (CR) and survival, Materials and Methods: Bone marrow biopsies from 40 adult patients with AML were stained with the argyrophilic method, The mean AgNOR number (AgNOR count) was calculated for each case, After induction therapy, patients who achieved CR received intensive consolidation; two underwent autologous and four allogeneic bone marrow transplantations (BMT). Results: The mean AgNOR count for the whole series was 6.6 (SD = 1.35); it was higher in CR patients than in resistant ones (P = .02), The median duration of CR was 26 months for patients with an AgNOR count greater than 6.6, but only 6 months for those with lower counts (P = .01). Sixteen patients who achieved a CR relapsed and 14 reached a second CR; the median duration of second CR was 16 months for patients with AgNOR count greater than 6.6, but only 5 months for those with lower counts (P = .01), The median survival time for the whole series was 14 months, with 30% of patients alive and in continuous CR at 103 months, Survival was longer for patients with an AgNOR count greater than 6.6 (33 months) than for those with lower counts (6 months; P = .0009), In multivariate analysis, when CR was excluded from the model, AgNOR count appeared as an independent prognostic variable (P = .005), Conclusion: AgNOR analysis is a suitable method to assess cell proliferation in bone marrow biopsies and can predict CR, remission duration, and survival in AML patients, (C) 1998 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.